
Kinda SQL "join" in Prometheus

I'm using Prometheus query language, PromQL, quite a bit these days. But all I do are very simple queries like sum(...) or rate(...[5m]) on a OpenShift cluster I work with.

For few weeks now, mine inner me was bothered with one slightly more complex stuff. To filter one metric by label from different metric - something like JOIN in SQL world. Specifically, I wanted to see number of pods running on each cluster node with "worker" role.

We have (I'm on OpenShift 4.13) kube_node_role{role="worker"} (AFAICT this is what we call "vector" in PromQL) that have these labels:

Name            container             endpoint    job                 namespace             node                     prometheus                role    service             Value
kube_node_role  kube-rbac-proxy-main  https-main  kube-state-metrics  openshift-monitoring  ip-1-2-3-4.ec2.internal  openshift-monitoring/k8s  worker  kube-state-metrics  1
kube_node_role  kube-rbac-proxy-main  https-main  kube-state-metrics  openshift-monitoring  ip-1-2-3-5.ec2.internal  openshift-monitoring/k8s  worker  kube-state-metrics  1

And we have kube_pod_info with these labels:

Name           container             created_by_kind  created_by_name  endpoint    host_ip        host_network  job                 namespace       node                     pod                                               pod_ip       priority_class           prometheus                service             uid                                   Value
kube_pod_info  kube-rbac-proxy-main  <none>           <none>           https-main  false         kube-state-metrics  openshift-etcd  ip-1-2-3-6.ec2.internal  etcd-guard-ip-10-201-24-232.ec2.internal  system-cluster-critical  openshift-monitoring/k8s  kube-state-metrics  a2eec7b0-9f29-42b4-853d-6919d963ffa1  1
kube_pod_info  kube-rbac-proxy-main  <none>           <none>           https-main  false         kube-state-metrics  openshift-etcd  ip-1-2-3-6.ec2.internal  revision-pruner-13-ip-10-201-24-232.ec2.internal   system-node-critical     openshift-monitoring/k8s  kube-state-metrics  df5cdd67-b0f5-4896-b0b0-85095a9f3122  1

We will use on(...) and group_left(...) PromQL operators. I had some issues understanding what these do, so here is mine interpretation:

* because values are always 1 in these vectors, it is safe to multiply these.

on(...) allows me to define common label(s) that should be used to match two different vectors.

group_left(...) ... thinking, thinking, nah. I forgot mine mental model here :-/

And this is the final query I used:

    kube_pod_info{} * on(node) group_left(role) kube_node_role{role="worker"}
) by(node)

These links helped me a lot: