Sometimes I need to access DRAC console (i.e. "remote screen") of some older Dell system - in this case it is PowerEdge R610 and "About" says "Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 6 - Enterprise, Version 1.98, © 2008-2011 Dell Inc.". I have tried bunch of browsers on my not super recent Fedora 30 and it failed. One solution I have found is to access the console with Firefox and IcedTea plugin from Fedora 27. VM feels too heavy for this usecase, so just allow connections to my X server:
# xhost local:root
start Fedora 27 container with some extra vars and mounts:
# docker run \
--network host \
-e DISPLAY=:0.0 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /root/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw \
-ti fedora:27 /bin/bash
and then in the container install all needed and run the browser:
# dnf -y install firefox xorg-x11-xauth icedtea-web
# firefox
Now I'm able to open the console, hooray!