Showing posts with label slack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slack. Show all posts


Changing Slack status from command-line

I'm used to track mine working time with a custom script and I have keyboard shortcut for start and stop actions. One thing the script does is that when I "stop" my work, it sets mine IRC nick to "jhutar_afk" and when I "start" my work it sets the nick back to plain "jhutar". This is e.g. handy taking a launch break or going for some errands. The same is possible with Slack:

I have started with How to set a Slack status from other apps article. It is very easy.

  1. Create a legacy token (I know, it is legacy - need to investigate how to use current way :-/) and put it to the variable token='xoxp-0000000000-000000000000-000000000000-00000000000000000000000000000000'
  2. Construct a json to send: profile='{"status_text": "Away from keyboard", "status_emoji": ":tea:"}'
  3. Send that to the API: curl -X POST --silent --data "profile=$profile" --data "token=$token"

This way I can set various statuses. Then I have realized that what I really want is to set mine presence (that green or empty/black dot next to your nick). That is easy as well:

  1. Again (see above), prepare your token token='xoxp-0000000000-000000000000-000000000000-00000000000000000000000000000000'
  2. Use the Slack API: curl -X POST --silent --data "presence=away" --data "token=$token" (to set yourself away) or use presence=auto (for a normal mode when Slack decides based on your activity)

Given how long I was avoiding to actually add it to my script, it was very easy at the end :-)